This project makes use of cordova-plugin-googlemaps for displaying google maps.
#Service traccar installed how to#
Note: See How to Prevent Permissions Errors if you are running into issues when trying to install packages globally. Check the Deploying section for more details This will run the application on the connected Android/iOS device or in the running emulator. Run ionic cordova run -prod (platform = android/ios).Before doing this, you need to configure a google maps API key as described in the How to see the map working section This will run the app in the browser as well, but in compatibility mode for cordova, so, by using this method the map will be visible. SInce the project makes use of cordova-plugin-googlemaps for displaying google maps (which is a cordova plugin), the map wont work, but using ionic serve is a good way to run the project during development and testing phases. This will run the project in the browser.

#Service traccar installed download#
You can Download the installer for Node LTS. The application can be build for running on Android/iOS/WIndows devices or directly in the browser.

Posibility of adding devices as favortes.This application represents an improved and more up to date version of the The Ionic Traccar Starter with a more recent version of angular and much richer functions 😃 The Ionic traccar application is an open source project which aim is to provide an easy to use template for the creation of mobile applications for companies in the asset tracking sector that make use of the traccar service.